FRC Hours/Contact:
24 hours, 7 days a week.
- Rabbit Control Services.
Scotland. - Telephone: Please email for now;
Welcome To Free Rabbit Control Services

As a kid i got into ferreting with my uncle, a few years after i considered taking up the sport once again but i wasnt in a possition to do so. Since 2006 ive been ferreting once again and more recently setup this website to provide land owners with more information on the service offered and to help gain more ferreting opportunities.
In the folowing pages you should find all the information needed, but if you have any questions... Please feel free to contact me anytime.
Why Free Rabbit Control Edinburgh Was Setup

After a few years of ferreting as a hobby, ive experienced the ups and downs of trying to find perrmision to ferret on peoples land.
After speaking to a few land owners and friends who have experienced similar problems i decided to setup FRCS with a website and some cards to hand out, so when i approach land owners in future they aint seeing some random guy that could be anyone, they can view insurance details, more information on the FRCS website, request references and more, making sure land owners know if they give me permission i can be trusted, putting there mind at ease and improving my chances of more good sport.
When contacted for the first time, am often asked how much will this cost? The answer is nothing, its free! But donations towards costs are helpfull. Over the past few years ive been lucky enough get out ferreting all over scotland, it doesnt matter how far i need to travel there are always costs, were it be travel or equipment costs, it all adds up. The service offered continues to be free and always will be. If you are able to chuck in a donation of any amount, its appreciated. If not, its no problem.
Thanks for checking the website out, if you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime.
All the best, Joe